Unit 4 Chemistry excursion: Analytical Chemistry

VCE Unit 4 chemistry students are currently exploring the use of analytical techniques to deduce or confirm the structure and identity of organic compounds. And what is a better way to learn about these techniques than to see these machines in action in a laboratory! The year 12 chemistry students went to La Trobe University on the 17th of July to use these machines and to hear experts in their fields explain how they use these machines every day.

In the first experiment of the day, students analysed soft drinks for the presence of caffeine and to calculate the concentration of caffeine. A sample of Sunkist, Mountain Dew, and Diet Coke were analysed for the presence of caffeine and the amount of caffeine using a technique called high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results from the HPLC data showed that Diet Coke had the highest concentration of caffeine while Sunkist did not contain any caffeine.

Other analytical techniques explored on the day to analyse samples were mass spectroscopy and NMR. The NMR machine used in the experiments costs $15,000,000!

Overall it was an enriching experience for the year 12 chemistry students and a fantastic opportunity to get out of the classroom and experience ‘real world’ Chemistry.

The Well Project

Commitment, perseverance and communication. These traits contributed to the Year 12’s goal in achieving their objective. We had a goal of $10,500, to build a well in Tanzania and in Cambodia. Throughout our VCE journey (which is nearing the end), we dedicated months of effort and determination towards our charity organisation. The achievement was celebrated during The Well Project’s Gala Night, which was held on Friday August 4th, 2018. The Gala Night signaled the final days of the project, raising funds that assisted us in exceeding our goal significantly. Our goal was to raise $10,500 but we raised close to $17,000. Thank you to everyone who attended our Gala Night. We hope you all enjoyed as much as the Year 12’s did! We’d like to thank Mrs Umran, who managed 60 girls whilst being an incredible support for us all. Congratulations Class of ’18! Our efforts have not escaped unnoticed! We appreciate and value you all.

Tayyibah Shaheen